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March 24, 2023

Jeanne Kolenda

   Uncle Bruce

Important Message For Marketing Consultants

Looking For An Untapped Niche...

Discover The Jealously Guarded Secrets Of This "Under The Radar Niche"...

Watch 2 Long-Time Successful Local Marketers Look You In The Eye with Absolute Authority and state, "This Can Be Your Personal Goldmine"...

Take Over A Niche Thats Growing Like Weeds and Definitely Has The Budget to Invest in Digital Marketing!



Yet With Hours Like A Retiree...

We Swear Under Oath,

This New System Is


IF you are tired of being dismissed and treated like a pest when prospecting...

IF you would like to work with clients who are empathetic and not pressuring you...

IF you appreciate helping smaller businesses who are doing well, by doing good...

IF you want to target a specialized niche with good margins that has been growing like weeds lately...

We're excited for you because we have GREAT news...

But First, Let's Face Facts...

The normal way of getting good local clients ISN'T Easy...Not by a long shot.

When you're starting out everything seems difficult. We know since we've been there. Almost years of working with local businesses has taught us quite a bit.

In fact, as we look back, one big mistake was trying to go after BIG clients when we lacked the confidence or the skills. So, it was a recipe for disaster.

It turns out many of our first clients ended up being smaller businesses and tradesman...that's right, no lawyers, doctors or so-called big operations.

We'll also let you in on a little secret; Service businesses would have been the best choice right from the 'get-go'. They enjoy much higher margins than retail stores AND have much less fixed overhead...a near perfect combination.

We Operate In A 

Different World Now

(Post Covid)...

Listen, we know many local consultants and want-to-be-consultants are having a hard time landing clients that actually can and will pay them!

Many have left the consulting business, and that's while the overall US economy is in good shape!

That’s precisely why some local consultants' dreams have been crushed... while others have gotten amazingly rich.

(Although you won’t hear a peep out of the successful ones

because they keep a super low profile)

Is This The Can't-Miss Niche?

Today, we're recommending a niche that has the 4 BIG CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS:

1. Relatively high customer prices and good margins

2. Growing demand, especially in this economy

3. Easy to reach these businesses

4. Have almost ZERO marketing knowledge

Jeanne and I both started exploring what was possible with this niche last year...and the opportunity turned out to be bigger than we imagined.

One of the big advantages of this 'hidden niche' is the clients are all under contract and stay with the service for many months...

usually an entire season!

Anyway, when I began building my local marketing advisory business years ago, I never would have thought of this niche, and now both Jeanne and I see it as a little goldmine.

Stay with us and we'll show you why it may be perfect for you, too.

More recently, in speaking to childcare center owners/directors, I've identified some of their biggest challenges...

And without a doubt, they need to be able to charge higher fees.

Frankly, it's not too difficult for most centers to get enrollments, but revenue still is not keeping pace with costs.

Since Covid, childcare centers are expected to have higher health standards to satisfy the government and parents.

...and all this costs money.

Childcare Is A BIG Business!

Studies show that working parents with young children are spending

an average of $11,000 annually for childcare, supporting a national

industry totaling $62 billion.

Many are surprised to see such a large figure, but it's growing

even larger as we speak.

Parents are generally willing to pay more for the right daycare

option, and usually they’re very thorough in their research

to find what’s best for their child.

But with so many childcare options available nowadays, how can centers get their daycare name and brand out there? Is it possible to stand out when there are so many well-financed daycare operations,

including franchises out there?

In short: Yes, absolutely!

No matter the budget or the size of the childcare program, there are strategies we can use for effectively reaching new families

without breaking the bank.

AND reaching families who can pay PREMIUM fees for the services.

(that's very important)...

Marketing & The

"Childcare Center Challenge"...

It's not immediately obvious that Childcare Centers have a problem...but if you owned/directed one you'd quickly realize the limitation on income...

Childcare centers have limits on how many enrollments they can support, based on space and the number of staff and local state and city requirements.

So, to raise revenue by adding more students is usually not the answer...Many centers in many areas are at capacity (you can read about it all the time).

BUT, they are not generating high enough fees!

AND, they often cannot hire enough staff!

Professional Digital Marketing


1. By showcasing their high standards and expertise, marketing can enable Centers to raise fees and attract more affluent parents. (they need this).

2. Strong, steady marketing can also give key exposure to better childcare workers

looking for employment.

...Thus, also enabling them to expand further. (getting staff is an ongoing problem).

Think about it: Gaining higher enrollment fees enables the Childcare Center to invest more in finding, hiring, and paying staff more....thus attracting better candidates.



NO ONE but an experienced Local Marketing Consultant can provide these invaluable services.

The childcare center business is ripe for more aggressive and professional marketing…and you can be the agency to deliver it.

Jeanne and I started investigating this niche last year. As you may know, we are always looking for solid and upcoming small business niches that would benefit from Local Marketing Consultants.

So, we explore many niches since we know that not every consultant will ‘fit’ with every niche. The goal is to provide you with as

many profitable options as possible.

Just How Big Is This Childcare Market?

First, let's look at the market for clients and their customers.

•After extensive research, we found that 57% of working families spent more than $10,000 on child care in 2020.

•That’s about $290 per week to send a child to a daycare center, and $612 per week for a nanny. 

•According to a 2020 study that analyzed 25 states across the nation, under the age of five, 8.4 million children needed childcare.

•Nearly 70% of young mothers participate in the labor force. (making most of them a candidate for paid childcare.)

•72% of families say that childcare is more expensive than it was before the global COVID 19 pandemic, according to a Care.com study.

The Demand Is OBVIOUS!

So, the first observation we ought to make is there is a strong

demand for childcare services.

PLUS, The U.S. childcare market size was valued at USD 60.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.18 % from 2023 to 2030.

As of 2022, the number of daycares in the U.S. was estimated to be 634,528. These companies employ approximately 1.5 million people.

I don’t know about you, but that size and sales volume came as a shock to us. Note that it’s a big industry and growing as well any we can think of.

The industry can be divided into two primary categories:

center-based daycares and home daycares.

Center-based daycares are usually larger in size and enrollment and, therefore, generate the largest portion of industry revenue.

Get More Childcare Clients

And SELL Them More Services

In The Next 60 days...

It's a snap using our specialized methods for fast results and good consultant fees and… and we're handing you so many new marketing tools, it's crazy!

Remember, Childcare Centers are growing rapidly and that's because it's a relatively easy startup business, and doesn't take much capital to launch.

BUT Without Marketing,

Most Can Never Get

The Enrollment Fees They Deserve!

Almost Everything Childcare Centers

Have Been Taught About Marketing Is WRONG!

You see, they do know the value of referrals from satisfied parents. That we'll grant, but that's almost all they know.

And that is why many either have slow periods and/or small enrollments. AND it's the reason they cannot raise their prices to be truly profitable. They are generally not PRO-ACTIVE, but will listen to a proven expert and WILL spend to get results.

The Advantages Of Childcare Centers As Clients:

1. They generally KNOW they need marketing help.

2. They face growing competition...(for students and staff)

3. Easy to reach the owner/director.

4. They want HIGHER FEES!

5. They feel their advertising should be more effective.

6. Prefer to deal with LOCAL marketers.

7. One child can produce over $11,000+ in enrollment fees in just ONE YEAR for the center.

8. Generally, the owners are nice people - not aggressive or antagonistic.

9. Often a family-run business.

10. Many new ones starting up all the time. Barriers to entry are not large...which guarantees a constantly growing market.

The Lack Of Barriers To Entry

Keeps Childcare Centers Growing

There are relatively few barriers to entry in the Childcare business. Sure, there are state licensing laws and inspections required, but these are regarded as not very difficult to pass. (included in these would be criminal background checks.)

Many states have certain short-term training they require. There are typically no college education requirements associated with this work.

The 'Steady Income Secret' Of The Childcare Business

More than $62 billion in revenue is produced by Childcare and Daycare businesses. Over 1.5 million employed in the industry...but the biggest benefit is...

Owning and operating a childcare center and the enrollment of children result in a steady stream of cash for months. It's not regarded as a one-time sale, so income and expenses can be budgeted for easier planning.

This is a COLOSSAL Opportunity.

Our marketing training covers what you need to know to land these childcare center clients easily. It's proven to work!

But know this upfront:

**We won’t bring up unethical results you can't produce and...

**We won't mention silly 'Ninja tricks' that never work. and...

**We refuse to say one word about using HIGH PRESSURE selling to get deals.

But we will include vital information on how to use Video to help Childcare centers.

Starting immediately, we will show you exactly step-by-step how to develop a steady lead flow of the best childcare centers with our marketing methods.

AND, at some point, you'll sit back and watch the “client flies” swarm around you like you’re the only game in town.

Ready? OK Here’s What You’ll Learn:

•The #1 Goal of most childcare center owners/directors

•The simple way to triple your childcare lead flow

•The Techniques that stop price discounting

•RED FLAGS to watch out for!

•Why calling yourself a "consultant” can actually repel clients from you

•BEST way to create a “sense of urgency”

•How to use “Golden Handcuffs” to keep childcare center clients with you

AND Much, Much More (these are just the tip of the iceberg!)

ALL Understandable And DOABLE...

Even For A Complete Rookie!

The key to succeeding in today’s crazy marketing

consultant environment is to know how to essentially “neutralize” the competition.

Once you learn these little tricks, childcare clients get easier and eventually can turn into a flood of opportunities!

The problem is, most consultants are still relying on the same old marketing to capture today’s clients. That simply doesn’t cut it anymore.

The entire landscape has changed: things like, which prospects to go after, how to approach them, what to say and how to close them.

Many consultants hear the gurus say "Go after BIG impressive clients like lawyers and doctors.

Except, many consultants have not developed the confidence

yet to get their first client!

How can they be effective when their challenge is so big, so early on?

Instead, why not go after the low-hanging EASY fruit. Childcare Centers are still money in the bank and...


You need new methods, applied to the childcare niche, that tilt the playing field to your advantage – instead of letting the market dominate you.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, because I'll show you every sweet step to succeed in today's local market.

It's all in our new advanced training called:



So, if you want onboard, don’t snooze on this one.

Before we go over the details of this new marketing package, let us share some emails we’ve received from buyers of our past products.

(I’ll admit, many of them were skeptical at first):

I create software for SEO and have hundreds of buyers and students. I've been recommending Jeanne Kolenda's training and social media expertise for many years. Her marketing chops are WAY above most, and I always know my clients will get the best of the best when Jeanne and her team are involved.

Patrick Tuttle ~~ The Ranking Store

I've known Jeanne Kolenda for over 10 years. We have taught large courses together internationally like the last one we did in Barcelona, Spain. She's one of the most remarkable creative marketers that I've ever known. I would recommend her products to my close friends and family and I already have. I sent this link to my friend Allen Getta in New York and recommended that he buy this! 

Steven Lloyd ~~ HeroProTools.com

I purchased a course from Jeanne over ten years ago and was really impressed with it. Jeanne has a great down to earth nature that is easy to get used to. Her personal touch in her business gave me the opportunity to get to interact with her enough to become friends with her. Jeanne is a great asset to me as a friend and as a business leader. She has great integrity and deserves the great trust and admiration her clients have for her. I will continue to support Jeanne not only because I've learned so much from her about social media, but more importantly I like how she treats people.

Greg Viner~~ LocalOnlineExpert.com

"Get on his mailing list, I swear his stories and misadventures are worth it..."

Barb T. Aurora, CO

"I think where Bruce Newmedia excels is in teaching what to say. Most of the products I see just gloss over that, but he gives you realistic scripts to use. You just need to go practice them. He says he signs one out of two qualified businesses he goes after, and I can believe it!"

George W, Stone Mountain GA

"I've been buying and using Bruce's offline training for years and I basically buy everything he puts out. There are always things in there I never thought of!" Ken P. Chicago, IL

Here's What You Get

In Our New Childcare Champion

Marketing System...

WordPress WEBSITE TEMPLATE for Childcare Centers!!

Professionally done, HOT OFF The Press!

Here Is A Sneak Preview:

1. 56 page Marketing Guide To Find and Close Childcare Centers (PDF)
2. 60 Childcare Social Media Images With Comments For Posting
3. "How To Sell" Videos (5)
4. Email  Marketing Templates To Contact Childcare Centers (10)
5. PowerPoint Presentation
So, is it really possible to cover all this material in our latest training package? The short answer; YES. We work our tail off to cover these strategies and more, but for you, it was worth it.

Here are a few samples of the image posts you'll be receiving:

First 48 Hours ONLY Bonuses!

As a special thank you for joining us in the first 48 Hours of this launch, I will let you in on a 2 little secrets. Alright, They're BIG secrets...

Bonus #1

It’s about How To Upsell your new clients. And knowing this one secret can literally double or triple your fees. I’ll give you a hint: it has to do with HOW you present the UPSELL options. It’s true.

Most everyone I know is doing it wrong. It will seem odd at first but, it works like clockwork. Want to know what it is? I’ll tell you. But not here. Shortly after you register in the Members Area, you will receive the link to my Special Report, “How To Upgrade Your Clients.”

Bonus #2

So, our Special Report isn’t enough for you, huh? That’s OK, because our second bonus is a homerun out of the park, too.

It’s our Agreements and Forms Pack. They're super easy to edit in MSWORD and our proven, tested way to use in presentations and to tie down deals..

A $69 value, yours FREE for getting in early.

"Hey Jeanne & Bruce, You Promote Other Marketing

Programs - Which Is Best?"

That's not an easy question to answer...heck, for that matter, there's no reason you can't use a variety of them.

That's also why we don't only recommend ONE training product or ONE niche. Jeanne and I see our job as pointing out options and niches you may not be aware of...and offering strategies and software tools to succeed with them.

We've also found different personality types will do well with different approaches. Some will not 'fit' with one client niche, but do very well with another. Hey, that's human nature and as we said at the top of this letter, I'd rather go with the flow than fight it.

Newbies may not be ready for some demanding niches like lawyers or doctors, but do much better with easier, more approachable ones, like Childcare Centers...

At least that's our thinking.

So, You're Asking, What's The Price?

Well, You Won’t Have to Pay the real $197 value.

You will definitely pay less.

Considerably less.

Forget the $197 fee. Instead, you will pay only $37.

That’s for the entire course, training guide, WordPress Theme, videos, social media images, the whole works!

Frankly, $37 barely covers the cost of the time spent organizing this material and producing all the bonuses. Let alone the other expenses like PayPal processing, the cost of hosting your membership site, and graphic designers and content writers... and, don't forget, the WordPress Theme. Jeanne and I really spare no expense!

But it’s our way of pitching in to help you bust out of the situation you're in.

Please join me in the Members Area...and we all win.

The Opportunity You Need

Now you can build your agency faster than anything I’ve seen before. It's the market, the type of businesses and the training all delivering you an income opportunity.

With the way Childcare Centers are entering the field and new businesses starting up, you’ve got a real shot at making income pretty quickly… week after week after week. All thanks to this hot economy and the demand (and competition) for Childcare.

And Here’s The Real Beauty Of It.

To get in on this you hardly need more than the fee to join us...which isn't much at all.

We’ve built this strategy so that anyone can do it – even if you’ve never landed a client.

When you see all the tools you're getting (and this is the Front End Product- not even considering any upgrades), we're betting you'll be bowled over - but in a GOOD way, lol!

48 Hours ONLY For Bonuses!

If you’re early, you'll get the 48 Hours ONLY Bonuses! Take advantage of this today, and you'll absolutely receive the Bonuses listed above. After that, it's too late.

Why not take a shot at snowballing this "Easy Childcare Center Marketing System" into a steadier business helping great clients?

What to Do Right Now

Now while it's fresh in your mind, I urge you:

DON'T wait another second to get started...

If you have any interest at all in building your consulting practice, you can’t be without the information I’m going to share about one of the easy niches.

And priced at $37 there’s nothing to “mull over.” Please click on the button below to register.

[Refund Policy]

Due to the nature of the digital assets in this offer, there are NO REFUNDS. When you purchase, you can't exactly "give them back." And why would you, anyway?

Also, please be advised you cannot resell these images; they are for your personal use with your clients.

For support: Contact [email protected]

That will take you to our Zendesk support ticket system which is monitored constantly.

You can expect a reply typically on the same day.

Jeanne Kolenda

   Uncle Bruce

Content Paid and Sponsored by: Childcare Champion Marketing System


**This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.

*Earnings and income representations made by Jeanne Kolenda and Bruce NewMedia are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are our personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 10+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you

© 2023 Childcare Champion Marketing System